
在线博彩 earns STARS Gold rating for sustainability achievements

在线博彩 earns STARS Gold rating for sustainability achievements

2024年3月28日 The Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education has awarded 在线博彩 with a Gold rating on its Sustainability Tracking, Assessment 和 Rating System (STARS).

这个奖项, 这是五星评级系统的第二高级别, 认可在线博彩的可持续发展文化, which has shaped the institution’s successful growth in recent years 和 promises to contribute to the wellbeing of the campus community into the future.

The STARS program is the most widely recognized framework worldwide for publicly reporting comprehensive information related to a college or university’s sustainability performance. The system evaluates achievements in five key areas: academics, 订婚, 操作, 规划及行政, 创新和领导力.

“Sustainable efforts are a major part of 在线博彩’s commitment to be a responsible steward of its unique environmental 和 cultural assets.”

A prime example of 在线博彩’s commitment to sustainability is the 校园总体规划, 它力求连接, 混合使用, 支持健康的资源高效校园, 健康与繁荣.

“Sustainable efforts are a major part of 在线博彩’s commitment to be a responsible steward of its unique environmental 和 cultural assets,” 维罗妮卡萨拉查, 在线博彩 executive vice president for  business affairs 和 chief enterprise development officer. “These efforts include enhancing campus walkability 和 bikeability, 增加可再生能源基础设施, retrofitting buildings for optimal efficiency 和 establishing a LEED Silver st和ard for all new construction exceeding $10 million.”

能源与环境设计领导力(LEED), the most widely used green building rating system in the world, 通过设计关注可持续性, construction 和 操作 practices that improve environmental 和 human health.

在线博彩 exceeded its LEED Silver goal on one of its latest projects, 圣佩德罗一世, 哪一家在2022年开业 获得LEED金牌这是第二高级别的认证.

Designed 和 constructed with thoughtful attention to energy efficiency 和 sustainable site development, the building features indoor/outdoor connections 和 reconfigurable spaces for multipurpose use, facilitating an adaptable environment suited to serve occupants for many years to come. 作为在线博彩第一个获得LEED金牌的建筑, 圣佩德罗一世 has paved the way for a more sustainable approach to new campus buildings.

“Our LEED certification is a testament to the incredible work of executive vice president for Business Affairs 和 chief enterprise development officer 维罗妮卡萨拉查 和 associate vice president of Real Estate, 建筑及规划 Corrina绿色 和 their work with our architects at Jacobs 和 Overl和 Partners, 以及承包商Whiting-Turning, 来实现圣佩德罗一号的重要设计目标,在线博彩主席说 泰勒Eighmy. “我赞赏他们的集体努力, 他们继续向圣佩德罗1号推进,这是一场交战, compelling 和 wonderful learning 和 research space in the heart of downtown San Antonio.”

圣佩德罗二世, currently under construction, likewise follows a design guided by stewardship 和 sustainability. The two buildings are part of larger placemaking efforts to revitalize downtown San Antonio’s historic San Pedro Creek area.

在线博彩’s STARS Gold rating illustrates the university’s commitment to leverage data-driven approaches 和 promote knowledge to ensure a sustainable future, pairing institutional growth with the intentional design of spaces that enhance the campus experience 和 facilitate meaningful 订婚 between Roadrunners 和 the local community.


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在线赌博平台 is dedicated to the advancement of knowledge through research 和 discovery, 教与学, 社区参与和公共服务. 作为一个追求卓越的机构, 在线博彩 embraces multicultural traditions 和 serves as a center for intellectual 和 creative resources as well as a catalyst for socioeconomic development 和 the commercialization of intellectual property - for Texas, 国家和世界.


成为一流的公立研究型大学, providing access to educational 卓越 和 preparing citizen leaders for the global environment.


我们鼓励对话和发现的环境, 在完整性, 卓越, 包容, 尊重, 鼓励协作和创新.


在线博彩是一个骄傲 西班牙裔服务机构 (HSI)由美国指定.S. 教育部 .


在线赌博平台, a 西班牙裔服务机构 situated in a global city that has been a crossroads of peoples 和 cultures for centuries, values diversity 和 inclusion in all aspects of university life. As an institution expressly founded to advance the education of Mexican Americans 和 other underserved communities, 我们的大学致力于促进所有人的机会. 在线博彩, 一所一流的公立研究型大学, 通过对话社区促进学术卓越, discovery 和 innovation that embraces the uniqueness of each voice.